Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This is what I love to do.

The night before Mother's day I was up late making these:

Then I boxed them up to give to some of my favorite mommy friends at church.

I spent Sunday morning finishing these up for my nursery class to give to their mommies.

Shaun asked why I was "working" so hard and staying up late when I should be relaxing. It was Mother's Day after all. He just doesn't realize how much I love baking and paper crafting! Plus I got to leave all the cookie making, chocolate dipping dishes in the sink for him to do. Oh yeah, and I want all my friends to be fatter than me.


Sarah said...

I want to be your mommy-friend and wish you would have been our nursery leader on Sunday. Creative girl.

lericksen said...

Beautiful. Where did you get the purse template? I love it. We still need to get togher.

Debye said...

They were adorable and yummy! The benefit of having two toddlers in nursery was two purses of M & M's!

Denise said...

Very..VERY cute! Looked very yummy! You are a great friend.
Have a wonderful weekend.

J.R. and Meg +3 said...

Love the m&m purse idea--putting that in my file of ideas!! Looks like the Holman family is up for a more recent photo:). Hope you had a great Mother's Day!

Aubrey said...

Just trying to catch up on your blog. Quin wants to know why I don't blog as much as you, seeing as we both are at home moms. I had to remind him that your husband didn't just move you across a couple of states!!! I love all your treats and paper crafting. You are very very crafty. Keep it up so I can copy!