Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Connor just stared a new sport...wrestling. I never thought this is a sport that anyone in our family would participate in. Apparently Poway has a really great wrestling program.People move here from all over the state to be involved in it. Quite a few of the high school boys from church are in the program and many have been to our house to have Shaun check them out, before and after matches. I think this is where Connor's knowledge of the sport even came to be.I have to admit I really like the boys that have been to our house and their families which is why I even considered letting Connor wrestle.

This weekend was his first tournament. Two of his buddies from church are also in the program and they have a blast together!

Connor getting ready for his first match. THat's his weight class on his arm.

Being a good sport!

Here he is in all of his singlet glory with his medal from the tournament.

As a mother who has had many children play many sports this is definitely the toughest. It's much harder to send your son out to battle one on one with someone than sending him out with a whole team behind him. We'll see how much longer he does this, but so far he loves it!


Aubrey said...

Awe Wrestling! Go Connor! My brothers and cousins have wrestled in High School. It sure is a tough sport to sit and watch:)

Pops said...

I guess I better start worrying about "Grandpa fights" with Connor and Blake now! Just remember not to hurt me, Connor!