Thursday, September 25, 2008

D is for Donuts

Each week at school Connor's class "cooks" something that goes with whatever letter they are studying. Each child is to try what ever the food is and they then graph whether the child liked it or not, or if it is a comparison they graph which one they liked the most, you get the idea! This week it was "D is for Donuts". They didn't actually cook them, in fact I bought them at the local grocery store. His teacher asked if I would bring the Hostess assorted package (plain, powdered sugar, and wax-I mean, chocolate covered) so they each could try all three and then decide which kind they liked best. There were a few left over and since we provided them we got to bring them home. Connor was so excited! He wanted to make a graph like his teacher made and have a taste test for our family. The hard part was getting everyone to pick their favorite, they were all soooo bad! I mean downright nasty. So we all pretty much picked the one that made us gag the least and Connor "graphed" our results. Here they are:


Pops said...

I know what you mean, they are nasty--they taste like L'l Debbie's Brownies!

Tigre said...

D is for Dirt- that's what those donuts taste like. Happy birthday Tmrrw) sis!

Denise said...

OK.....I LOVE the powdered ones, but NOT the waxy chocolate ones! I also love the cinnamon crumb ones! I guess it's a tie! But, they have to be on the fresher side :)
I wonder which one zconnor will give you for your birthday tomorrow :)