You would think, based on the number of baths she takes a day(anywhere from 2-5) that Madison would be the world's cleanest baby. She's not, in fact she's quite the opposite. I have never met a kid that is so messy! I've heard mothers say "My child is just a dirt magnet" and I kind of believed them, I mean every kid gets dirty sometimes, it's part of childhood, but now I truly understand that. Madison is always dirty. She can find a puddle on the driest of days, I'm not sure how she does it. Mealtime is someting else with her. I have given up on bibs. Velcro bibs last for about 2 seconds, over the head bibs about 5 seconds and if you can find a bib that ties on (which is next to impossible) she can twist that thing around and out of her way in record time. A bath is mandatory after every meal, and yes there have been days that I have considered not feeding her dinner because I am at my bathing limit! As proof of this I considered posting our latest water bill. OUCH! Another funny thing about Madison is that she is not very verbal yet. She talks a lot, but it is pure jibberish with the occasional "mommy" and "daddy" thrown in. This week she has finally started saying two more discernible words "EWWWWW" and "Yucky" I hate to say it but I think she hears those words a lot. I mean, A LOT!
Christmas Crack Cookies
1 month ago
That is the cutest baby ever!
EWE and YUCKY is the word...but she's TOO cute!!
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