Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My most favorite thing!

I can't believe I haven't put this on my favorite things list before now, because it is probably my most favorite thing ever! Costco All-American Chocolate cake. It puts Little Debbie's Cosmic Brownies to shame. It is sinfully good which is why I only partake of it once a year, on my birthday. Every year, for the past few years my friend Michelle brings one to me with a big bouquet of flowers. This tradition started a few years ago when Shaun really messed up! Shaun and I are not big on gift giving, to each other. I do not expect any big, elaborate, expensive surprises on my birthday. Usually he just asks me what I want and I tell him and he goes and gets it. A few years ago my birthday was on a Sunday, like this year, and in typical Shaun fashion, at about 9:00 PM Saturday night Shaun asked me what I wanted for my birthday. The thing is, all I wanted as a Costco All-American chocolate cake for my birthday cake. He was a little late, Costco was closed. Since he felt bad he went out and did my usual late Saturday night grocery shopping for me. I figured he would semi-redeem himself by buying me a bakery cake. A poor substitution, but it would have to do. Instead he came home with not one, but because they were on sale, two Betty Crocker cake mixes! WOW. Not only did I not get my cake, I got to make my own, right out of a box cake. L-A-M-E. When asked by Michelle the next day if I was having a good b-day I related the cake story. The next day she went and bought me the cake and a bouquet of flowers and wrote a note from "Shaun" telling me Happy Birthday how sorry he was! So now it has become a joke and a tradition that every b-day she gets me a cake and flowers from "Shaun". I couldn't ask for a better friend! Thanks Michelle!

PS-As you can see from the picture Madison was pretty excited about the cake too!


Logg said...

I wish you could have come to Disneyland with us, it would have been great. Seriously, you should have dumped the kids off with a neighbor and just come up alone.

Pops said...

This time we are in complete agreement. The Cosco All-American Cake IS better than Little Debbies! It is wonderful! I only eat it on my birthday too. So things are just in the genes, like the chocolate cake gene that I passed to Nicholle, and she to Madison.

Kristy or Josh said...

Now I don't feel so bad about forgetting to call you on Sunday. Happy Birthday Sis!!

Mateo said...

Honestly, every day since the 26th I have told myself "Call Nicholle for her birthdsy." Then I forget. I guess a comment on your blog is just as good. Happy Birthday to my favorite sister in the whole world. We miss you guys and can't wait to see you in December. By the way, I would rather eat those cute chubby fingers than that cake. Not that I don't like cake. I just like cute chubby fingers.