Saturday, November 29, 2008

And I thought he was old then!

This is a picture of Shaun and I at his 25th birthday party at his grandparents house. (I guess it was technically our house too since we lived in the basement!) It was his first birthday we celebrated as a married couple. I remember teasing him about how old he was, a quarter of a century! Being 5 years his junior I could do this! Yesterday Shaun turned the big 4-0! Now I really am married to an old man! Old or not I still love him as much as I did that first birthday we celebrated together, maybe even more! I don't really ever sit on his lap like that anymore, after all he is getting old, plus it is usually taken by one or two kidos! Love you Shaun and Happy Birthday!


Pops said...

40 is NOT that old; take it from me! In fact, I've decided 61 isn't old. Shaun, you aren't even 1/2 through yet and you still have the treat to look forward to of having me live with you when I really am old!

Mateo said...

The real tragedy here is Nicholle's pyramid hair and shoulder pads. Though, if you've seen our new blog entry you know I have no room to make comments about bad hair.

Katie Leigh said...

Wow, everything I wanted to say about Holman hair has already been said. Thanks Matt.

Also, you know how you have to type the random letters at the bottom before you can post? The ones I got this time aren't random. They spell "gonad"!

You can delete that if you want, Nicholle.

Kimberley said...

Nicholle, that picture brings back some sweet memories of the good old days. In fact, I dont think I was born yet:) As far as turning
40, yeah thats old, but we still love shaun. Tell Shaun happy belated birthday from us! I meant to call him while in AZ, but kim wouldnt let me make phone calls to my family while I was suppose to be spending time with hers. Also just to warn you we will be coming down in February, we'll have to hang out. Later, Dayne