Madison turned thirteen months old on Sunday and is STILL not walking. Yet another way for one of my children to let me know that I am not as good of a mother as I thought! (See earlier post!) All of my other children walked between 9 and 11 months, but not Miss Madison. Not only is she not walking she seems to have no intention of doing so any time soon. If you stand her up, you get jelly legs. My pediatrician tells me it is perfectly normal for children to not walk until even between 15-18 months. I understand that and I know that she will eventually walk, but I really get TIRED of explaining it to all those other mothers out there whose children walked at 9 months!
Typical conversation with another mother:
Other mother (whose baby walked at probably about 6 months!): Oh your little girl is sooooo cute (maybe I'm exaggerating a little!), how old is she?
Me (whose baby is currently NOT walking!): She's 13 months.
Other mother (whose baby skipped crawling and walked at about 3 months): Is she walking now?
Me: Not yet.
Then come the pity responses, I'll list a few.
Other mother (Whose baby I'm sure came out of the womb walking): With three older siblings to carry her around, she just doesn't need to!
or (as I'm carrying her around):
I can tell she be up and around any day now!
or, my personal favorite:
You're so lucky! Once she's walking she'll just be into everything! (Because she doesn't seem to get into anything since she's not walking yet. Refer to post entitled, "Gross")
In reality, it doesn't really bother me much that she is not walking yet. I know she will someday, and I am in no hurry to grow her up! She is my last little one and last night as I saw her "cruising" along the couch I realized how much I am going to miss watching her little diapered bottom crawling down the hall!
Christmas Crack Cookies
1 month ago
I didn't start walking until I was 4 years old and I turned out great...right?!
I feel like people are already seeing how Grace is measuring up since we keep getting the question "Do you have her on a routine yet?" It was especially frustrating when she was just a few week's old -- routine was non-existent in our house : )
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