Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day

Wondering what Shaun and Nicholle did for Valentines day?

We had this for dinner:

We watched this movie:


We were able to watch a couple of our friends kids so that they could go out. Romantic? Not so much. A lot of fun? You bet!


kp said...

I just need to know your opinion on Wall-E. It's been debated for a very long time between Logan and I.

Logg said...

Oh oft debated topic between Kristen and I. I hope you and Shaun see eye-to-eye.

Debye said...

well we took 2 toddlers, a baby and a five year-old to Cheeseburger Cheesburger for an oh, so romantic gourmet meal followed up with a sleepless night from Cooper with a fever sleeping in between us and kicking us all night.....

Denise said...

I guess I should have brough my 3 kids over, then they wouldn't have all looked so mellow and sleepy! The BERGERONS would have really livened it up...LOL!

J.R. and Meg +3 said...

So glad to get connected this way! I gave uncle Dean our blog address and I think he checks in more than my parents do which makes me happy that some family is looking. Living away makes doing it even better, right?! So I have to admit that I forwarded on your blog address as well as your parents to my fam last week so they could see what you are all up to as well. I hope you have been able to look at the rest of my family's websites linked and catch up there as well. Jennie's has a password protection--name of her oldest child (which is the same name as my dad, let me know if you can't remember). Anyways, good to catch up and see your cute growing family. By the way, I LOVE red shoes too and I DO wear them almost every day, and I'm a 30 something mom as well! Okay, end of my super long comment.