Friday, August 8, 2008

Only Logan

Just a short drive up the highway from Lovell, (where our family reunion was) is Powell Wyoming, home of the "froggy" pool. One afternoon we decided to take the kids up there for a swim. Poor Logan, he really doesn't let his IBS hold him back in life, but sometimes he has no choice. All the other kids enjoyed the pool and Logan put on his best happy face and watched from the sidelines.
Why we call it the "froggy" pool! The kids had fun even though there was a small cloud burst right as we got there. We waited it out and only got out of the water when we saw lightning!

Mads didn't like the slide very well, but she loved jumping in from the side!

Right next to the Froggy pool was a little park with a really cool hill by it. None of us could resist running down it, rolling down it and doing tricks on it, not even me! My sister-in-law Jenny was showing off by doing cartwheels and round-offs (us Holmans posses a gene that physically prevents us from being able to do any sort of acrobatics, no matter how hard we try!). But with a little "trick" photography(thanks dad!) Logan and I can look just as cool as Jenny!


My dad was supposed to be taking pictures of the girls trying to do a trick, but Logan noticed the camera on him so he decided to ham it up. Here he is "hugging" me. How do I know it was a fake hug? Check out the next picture! That's the real Logan!

Logan "kicking " me down the hill! That's brotherly love for you!


Logg said...

Love that John Denver's West Virginia song comes on when I got on your site. *sniff* *tear*

Denise said...

Connor looks extremely concerned in the mommy getting kicked by Uncle Logan down the hill! are the skies really that blue there? it's just gorgeous! and who need trick photography when you have moves like that?? :)

Jenny said...

I noticed my cartwheel picture didn't make it onto your blog, but whatever. I don't even care.

Mateo said...

You guys are pretty talented. I can only assume Logg then kicked all the kids down the hill to be the reigning king of the hill.