Yesterday was Opening Day for softball and t-ball and what a day it was! It started bright an early with Connor's Opening ceremonies that Mads and I got to attend. During the ceremonies they announce each team and then the team rounds the bases with their banner while everyone looks on and claps. Wouldn't you know it Connor tripped and fell while rounding first base! He jumped right up and kept running. His coach dusted him off, high fived him and told him "It's not real baseball until you're dirty!" Thanks Coach Shawn! We then ran to Amanda's first game, already in progress (with a quick stop at Alberto's for breakfast burritos!) to watch her play. Her first at bat, first pitch, she got a double, way to go Amanda! Shaun headed off to Connors game while the girls and I hit their Opening ceremonies. No tripping and falling for them! We rushed back over to the baseball fields to catch the last 15 minutes or so of Connor's game. From all that I hear, from other mothers who have been through a t-ball season or two, that's about as long as a game should really last! I am sorry that I missed the first part of the game because Connor got to play catcher and I would have loved to have seen my little guy in all that gear! We had about an hour break so we hit our favorite hangout during any sport season, the Taco Shop. Finally it was off the Sam's game. I got to watch the first part of the game, see Sam step on home plate, and then it was off to my assigned duties at the snack shack. Since Shaun coaches Sam's team and I had to be at the snack shack I had to leave Amanda in charge of Mads and Connor for about an hour. I had laid out a blanket, and brought some toys and snacks to keep them entertained. Apparently that attracted a crowd! Amanda ended up watching an extra three or four kids while their parents were able to enjoy the game. I hope they appreciated her as much as I did! By the time we got home it was dark, we were all exhausted and sunburned, so we ordered in pizza and called it a night!
As a recap, here's our day by the numbers:
# of opening ceremonies attended: 2
# of meals eaten out: 3
# of games played: 3
# of games coached by Shaun: 1
# of shifts worked at the snack shack by Nicholle: 1
# of kids watched by Amanda: 7
# of times Nicholle loaded and unloaded the stroller out of the car: More times than I can count!
It all added up to a great Saturday!