Monday, February 11, 2008

Yeah, she was sick!

Well, Mads is getting a new tooth, but the good news is that she was also sick! Let me explain why that is such good news. She had a fever for about 3 days, starting on the same day that I noticed the tooth popping thru, so I assumed they were connected. The fever went away and I figured we were all done, then all of a sudden the next day she broke out in a rash all over her stomach and back. A fever for three days and then it disappears and then a torso rash...being the experienced mother I am I realized she had the virus Rosiola. All my kids have had it and it is not a big deal, except for the fact that you are contagious on the fever days, which of course I assumed was a teething fever, so I exposed who knows how many babies to! The good news is that MAYBE she will not such a pill when her other teeth decide to make an appearance, then again she will still be Mads, so we never know!

1 comment:

Kristy or Josh said...

Just wait until she see's her picture! It's probably the best one yet!