Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Just Connor

When my girls were younger I had all this great dress up stuff. Every princess dress of all known Disney princesses, high heels, jewelry, the works. They had no interest in it. Then Connor came along. No, he's not into dressing up like a princess, but he LOVES dressing up. It all started a couple of years ago when he first started getting into pirates. He went everywhere in a pirate hat, and armed with a hook hand and a sword. We did have toinstitute a "no weapons or hats at church" rule. He then found a pair of orange and black striped tights from a witch costume we have, and much to his fathers chagrin, became a staple of his pirate get up. It has kind of spun out of control at that point. He now comes up with the craziest get ups! Right now he is obsessed with his Batman jammies I bought him recently (yes, they have the Velcro on cape!). The other day he came into the girls room, (they have a full length mirror!) in a particularly crazy get-up. I think it included his new shark goggles, a hat, the striped tights, I'm sure, and his cowboy boots. One of the girls asked him, "What are you dressed up like?" His reply, "Just Connor". That was really it. I realized as I was putting together this slide show, I didn't have nearly as many photos as I thought of his crazy get-ups. I think it's because it has now become so a part of our life, that when he's dressed up we just think, "Oh, it's just Connor". I really need to take more pictures of him because they really will be priceless someday, especially when he brings home his first serious girlfriend!


Denise said...

I love JUST CONNOR in he's skeleton hey, may I say his Grandma looks great her her matching bones too!

Logg said...

The shirtless photo with his orange tights and swimming goggles is priceless. Amazing.