Sunday, June 29, 2008

Best Friends

This week we got to go and spend time with some of our best friends at their pool. Denise and I met each other when our daughters, Sammie and Marissa, were in Children's Chorus together. They were just four years old. We immediately bonded over our loves of scrap booking and Gymboree! We soon figured out that our girls were just four months apart in age, and so were our boys, Connor and Joshua, who were just babies at the time! Without planning it we had baby girls, Madison and Sophia four months apart! Denise and I are no longer surprised when we show up with our kids in matching outfits or us with our matching diaper bags, again without planning it! We are kindred spirits! Now that Samantha is no longer in Children's Chorus we don't get to see our friends as often as we would like, but we always really enjoy the time we do get to spend with them. Here's some pictures of us hanging at the pool! Good times!

1 comment:

Denise said...

We truly enjoy every moment we spend with you guys! We are truly blessed by your friendships! The Young Family is definitly on OUR FAVORITE PEOPLE list! We'll have to get together when you get back from Utah. Have a fun trip.