So I've taken a bit of a break from blogging. Life just got busy and priorities shifted. But being the new year and New Year's Resolutions and all that stuff, I've decided to start where I left off. I don't know how many people in the blogging world read or enjoy my blog, but it is a great way for me and my family to keep a small little timeline of what goes on in our life and I feel like that is important, so here goes.
We only made it to the beach ONE TIME this summer. We were very busy! Connor spent a big chunk of the summer driving across the country with his Young grandparents and cousins to watch baseball games. Sounded like one of my nightmares come to life, but apparently some people like traveling and watching baseball. Connor loved it and would do it again tomorrow if given the chance. Here's a couple of pics of us at the beach. Sam isn't in any of them since she refused to get in the water so she became the official photographer. As we were starting to pack up to go Sam decided to test out the water and wouldn't you know it, stepped on a piece of glass and cut her foot open! Rotten luck!
Mads had a blast playing with Audrey, my friend's daughter.
Christmas Crack Cookies
1 week ago
Yea! Your back! I've missed reading your blogs and seeing what your cute family is doing.
I agree, yay! I like hearing what you guys are up to and staying in touch:).
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