One of the things I LOVE about our new house is how I feel like we are out in the country, even though we are just about 2 minutes from the center of Poway. I love that all of our neighbors have farm animals. We are surrounded by horses chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, peacocks, emus and more. Our next door neighbors have a lot of ducks and some mornings I can see them out my bedroom window waddling up the hill between our houses. I love it!! I told Shaun, just after we moved in that it would totally make my day to come home one day and find ducks swimming in our pool. One day in October Shaun started yelling for me from outside and I went running since he sounded so frantic. This is why he was yelling for me:

I was not disappointed and it totally made my day! Probably even my week. I don't think Shaun was nearly as excited as I was seeing as how they were non-stop, and I mean non-stop pooping in our pool. (He's our pool guy and he knew he would have to be cleaning up after the ducks!) But he humored me a for a few minutes until he went and got our neighbors to come get their ducks.

On a side note one of our neighbors turkeys got in our yard the other day and I was ecstatic! I can't wait to get our own chickens, and don't tell Shaun but I'm now thinking about getting some ducks too!